Adequate nutrition is a prerequisite for human growth and development. Nutrition is also fundamental for the socio-economic growth and development of the nation. Malawi has a double burden of malnutrition with one of the highest rates of undernutrition and rising rates of overweight and obesity and their negative impact on health. The goal of the programme is to train competent professionals equipped to address both in-hospital and community nutrition challenges. Malawi is one of the few countries in sub-Saharan Africa to have an institution that is housing this programme. The Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics is a four-year honours degree programme. A total of 480 credits are required for graduation.
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Fees for the Programme
Successful applicants will be required to pay MWK2,200,000 for Malawian nationals and USD6,000 for SADC students payable in two instalments. International students from countries outside the SADC region will pay USD8,000 . Half of the fees must be paid during registration at the beginning of the first semester.
A complete Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics application MUST INCLUDE:
- High School Certificate
- Diploma
- Resume / CV
- Academic Transcipt
- Proof of Payment
- Letter of Good Standing
- National ID
- Deposit Slip