One of the key programs in the country aimed at improving maternal health outcomes in the country through provision of specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologists that will offer clinical service provision, teach and mentor frontline workers and conduct research that drives into policy. 4 year postgraduate program mainly focused on basic sciences in sexual and reproductive health in the first year then followed by obstetrics and gynaecology courses. Within the 4 years, candidates are to conduct a thesis or dissertation of their choice around Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) topic. Obstetrics modules covers general obstetrics, maternal fetal medicine modules. Gynae modules covers general gynae conditions and subspecialty modules in gynae reproductive medicine, gynae oncology, endoscopic surgeries & urogynaecologoly.
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Fees for the Programme
Successful applicants will be required to pay the Malawi Kwacha equivalent of USD3,300 for Malawian nationals and USD6,000 for SADC students payable in two instalments. International students from countries outside the SADC region will pay USD8,000 . Half of the fees must be paid during registration at the beginning of the first semester.
A complete Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology application MUST INCLUDE:
- Resume / CV
- Bachelors
- High School Certificate
- Academic Transcipt
- Letter of Good Standing
- National ID